2003-2004 ATC Articulate Course Crosswalk

How to Use the

ATC Articulated Course Crosswalk

The content-enhanced ATC articulated high school courses listed in the following crosswalk have been found to be substantially equal to the introductory-level college courses indicated. Statewide teams of secondary and postsecondary subject area faculty compared the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each high school course with the course descriptions, syllabi, and expectations of courses found in the postsecondary Workforce Education Course Manual (WECM).[1] These courses are most often used in technical certificate and degree programs at public community and technical colleges.

Course Numbers and Abbreviations – ATC statewide-articulated Career and Technology Education Courses are identified with unique PEIMS course numbers, which include the letter “T” and abbreviations, which include the notation “TP”.


Beginning school year 2002-2003, public schools must use the new Career and Technology – Tech Prep PEIMS course numbers and abbreviations for content-enhanced ATC statewide-articulated Career and Technology courses.


Participating colleges should honor the non-statewide-articulated Career and Technology course numbers and abbreviations, used in the interim for statewide-articulated courses, through May 2003 (or 15 months after 2002-2003 high school seniors graduated in May 2002).


“A” Special Explanation Course Code – All courses eligible for college credit by ATC statewide articulation and local articulation are identified on the high school transcript (Academic Achievement Record, AAR) with the special explanation course code “A.” Participating colleges use this code to identify courses taught with enhanced content for award of articulated college credit.


Although the primary purpose of this course crosswalk is to provide guidance to colleges for the award of technical (workforce education) college credit for ATC statewide- articulated high school courses, under specific circumstances colleges may elect to award academic transfer credit from the postsecondary Academic Course Guide Manual (AGCM) for selected courses.



Using ATC Statewide-Articulated Courses

in High School Graduation Plans


This table shows how ATC articulated Career and Technology courses can be used as core courses and electives in high school graduation plans.


19 TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter D. Graduation Requirements
SAMPLE Articulated Courses (1 credit minimum)

PEIMS Course Numbers and Abbreviations Effective 2002-2003

Grades 11-12

Science or
Academic Elective
Administrative procedures career preparation


Health Science Technology I (HSTI-TP) 1210130T

Health Science Technology II (HSTII-TP) 1210140T

Business Computer Information Systems I (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T

Business Computer Information Systems II (ABCIS-TP) 1203130T

Business Computer Programming (BCP1-TP) 1203140T or

(BCP2-TP) 1203141T

Telecommunications and Networking (TLNET-TP) 1202270T

Business Image Management/Multimedia (BIM&M-TP) 1202230T

Computer Applications (CA-TP) 1234147T

Electives All ATC statewide-articulated courses.


Beginning school year 2002-2003, public schools electing to offer ATC statewide-articulated courses must use the new Career and Technology – Tech Prep PEIMS course numbers and abbreviations listed in TEA’s PEIMS Data Standards code table C022 (updated July 14, 2003).


Use of these course numbers indicates that:

  • Course content is enhanced beyond the TEKS; and
  • Teachers have ATC-required faculty qualifications and have completed TEA-required ATC staff development for each course taught.


All ATC statewide-articulated courses are also noted with the “A” special explanation course code on transcripts.



ATC Statewide-Articulated Courses

PEIMS Course Codes from Table #C022

Updated July 14, 2003


  Grades 11-12, Career and Technology Education – Tech Prep
  The following codes are the Texas Education Agency (TEA) career and technology courses approved for statewidearticulated postsecondary credit at community and technical colleges. These codes may only be used by districts that adhere to the teacher staff development and course content requirements outlined by TEA and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in the Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) Standard Articulation Agreement for Award of Postsecondary Credit for Commonly Articulated Technical Education Courses. To indicate tech prep courses on a student’s AAR, use special course explanation code “A”.

To be eligible for postsecondary credit as a single course, the student must be in grade 11 or 12. Courses in a coherent sequence may be taken at any grade level (9-12) as long as the final course in the ATC-required coherent sequence is taken when the student is in grade 11 or 12.

  Agricultural Science and Technology Education – Tech Prep
1193442T* Agricultural power and machinery (1-3) (AGPWR-TP)
119344T3* Agricultural mechanics II (1-3) (AGMEC2TP)
  Business Education – Tech Prep
1201120T* Business computer information systems I (1) (BCIS1-TP)
1202210T* Accounting I (1) (BACCT-TP)
1202220T* Banking and financial systems (1/2) (BFINS-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take Accounting II – TP for ½ credit.]
1202230T* Business image management and multimedia (1) (BIM&M-TP)
1202250T* Business management (1/2) (BMGMT-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take Business ownership – TP.]
1202260T* Business ownership (1/2) (BOWNS-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take Business management – TP.]
1202270T* Telecommunications and networking (1) (TLNET-TP)
1202280T* Word processing applications (1) (WDPAP-TP)
1203110T* Accounting II (1/2) (AACCT-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take Banking and financial systems – TP.]
1203130T* Business computer information systems II (1-2) (ABCIS-TP)
1203140T* Business computer programming I (1-2) (BCP1-TP)
1203141T* Business computer programming II (1-2) (BCP2-TP)
1203150T* International business (1-2) (INTB1-TP)
1209910T*** Administrative procedures career preparation (3) (BECP1-TP)
1209930T*** Business computer information systems II career preparation (2-3) (BCIS2-TP)
1205520T**** WBL/Administrative procedures (3) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student’s training area must be Administrative Procedures.]
1205530T**** WBL/Business computer information systems II (3) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student’s training area must be Business Computer Information Systems II.]
  Health Science Technology Education – Tech Prep
1210120T* Introduction to health science technology (1/2) (INTHS-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take an additional tech-prep articulated Health science technology course.]
1210130T* Health science technology I (1-2) (HSTI-TP)
1210140T* Health science technology II (2-4) (HSTII-TP)
1210151T* Health science technology III Pharmacy Aide (1-2 units per semester) (HST3PATP)
1210152T* Health science technology III EMT-Basic (1-2 units per semester) (HST3EMTP)
1210153T* Health science technology III Medical Lab (1-2 units per semester) (HST3MLTP)
1210154T* Health science technology III Vocational Nursing (1-2 units per semester) (HST3VNTP)
1210155T* Health science technology III Medical Assisting (1-2 units per semester) (HST3MATP)
1210550T*** Health science technology career preparation II (2-4) (HST2CPTP)
1210603T**** WBL/Therapeutic Services for HST III (2-4) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student’s training area must be specific to Pharmacy Aide, EMT-Basic, Medical Lab, Vocational Nursing, OR Medical Assisting.]
1210651T*** Pharmacy aide career preparation III (2-4) (HSCPPATP)
1210652T*** EMT-Basic career preparation III (2-4) (HSCPEMTP)
1210653T*** Medical lab career preparation III (2-4) (HSCPMLTP)
1210654T*** Vocational nursing career preparation III (2-4) (HSCPVNTP)
1210655T*** Medical assisting career preparation III (2-4) (HSCPMATP)
1210703T**** WBL/Diagnostic Services for HST III (2-4) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student’s training area must be specific to Pharmacy Aide, EMT-Basic, Medical Lab, Vocational Nursing, OR Medical Assisting.]
1210953T**** WBL/Clinical rotations for HST III (2-4) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student’s training area must be specific to Pharmacy Aide, EMT-Basic, Medical Lab, Vocational Nursing, OR Medical Assisting.]
1212122T* Medical terminology (1/2) (MDTRM-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must complete 1 or more additional tech-prep articulated Health Science Technology courses.]
  Family and Consumer Sciences Education – Tech Prep
122T3210* Preparation for parenting (1/2) (PRPAR-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take an additional tech-prep articulated Family and Consumer Sciences course.]
122T3310* Child development (1/2) (CHDEV-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take an additional tech-prep articulated Family and Consumer Sciences course.]
122T3421* PL/Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services I (2-3)
122T3422* PL/Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services II (2-3)
122T4210* Nutrition and food science (1/2) (NFSCI-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take Food science and technology-TP.]
122T4310* Food science and technology (1/2) (FST-TP) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student must also take Nutrition and food science-TP.]
122T5221* PL/Food production, management, and services I (2-3) (FPMS1-TP)
122T5222* PL/Food production, management, and services II (2-3) (FPMS2-TP)
122T5321* PL/Hospitality services I (2-3) (HOSP1-TP)
122T5322* PL/Hospitality services II (2-3) (HOSP2-TP)
122900T1*** Child care and guidance, management, and services career preparation I (2-3) (CCCP1-TP)
122900T2*** Child care and guidance, management, and services career preparation II (2-3) (CCCP2-TP)
1229T003*** Food production, management, and services career preparation I (2-3) (FPCP1-TP)
1229T103*** Food production, management, and services career preparation II (2-3) (FPCP2-TP)
1229T203*** Hospitality services career preparation I (2-3) (HOCP1-TP)
1229T303*** Hospitality services career preparation II (2-3) (HOCP2-TP)
1229T349**** WBL/Child care and guidance, management, and services I (2-3)
1229349T**** WBL/Child care and guidance, management, and services II (2-3)
1229T529**** WBL/Food production, management, and services I (2-3)
1229529T**** WBL/Food production, management, and services II (2-3)
1229T539**** WBL/Hospitality services I (2-3)
1229539T**** WBL/Hospitality services II (2-3)
  Technology Education – Tech Prep
1234147T* Computer applications (1) (CA-TP)
1236262T* Architectural graphics (1) (AG-TP)
1236263T* Engineering graphics (1) (EG-TP)
1236267T* Electricity/electronics technology (1) (EET-TP)
1236268T* Computer multimedia and animation technology (1) (CMAT-TP)
1238282T* Principles of technology I (1 science unit) (PTI-TP)
  Marketing Education – Tech Prep
1241T920* Entrepreneurship (1) (ENTRPRTP)
1241T921* Principles of marketing (1) (PRINMKTP)
12421T52* Hotel management (2-3) (HOTEL-TP)
12421T55* Travel and tourism marketing (2-3) (TRAV-TP)
1242T555*** Marketing management career preparation (2-3) (MECP-TP)
12441T40*** Marketing dynamics career preparation (2-3) (MECP1-TP)
1244999T**** WBL/Marketing dynamics (2-3) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student’s training area must be Marketing Dynamics]
1245999T**** WBL/Marketing management (2-3) [To be eligible for articulated college credit, the student’s training area must be Marketing Management.]
  Trade and Industrial Education – Tech Prep
125117T1* Engineering computer-aided drafting I (2-3) (ECAD-TP)
125117T2* Engineering computer-aided drafting II (2-3) (ECAD2-TP)
125117T5* Technical introduction to computer-aided drafting (1) (TICAD-TP)
125123T1* Media technology I (2-3) (MEDT-TP)
125231T2* Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration II (2-3) (ACREF2TP)
125345T1* Computer cabling and design (2-3) (CCD-TP)
125345T2* Computer maintenance technician I (2-3) (CMTN-TP)
125345T4* Introduction to computer maintenance (1) (ICM-TP)
125351T5* Telecommunications technology IV (1) (TELES-TP)
125457T1* Hydraulics and pneumatics (1-2) (HDNEU-TP)
125459T2* Instrumentation I (1) (INST-TP)
125459T3* Instrumentation II (1) (INST2-TP)
125467T1* Vocational plastics I (2-3) (VOPLS-TP)
125469T1* Quality control I (2-3) (QC-TP)
125471T1* AC/DC electronics/computer systems (2) (ACDC-TP)
125471T3* Alternating current electronics (1-2) (ACE-TP)
125471T6* Direct current electronics (1-2) (DCE-TP)
125573T1* Machine shop I (2-3) (MCHSP-TP)
125573T2* Machine shop II (2-3) (MCHSP2TP)
125579T2* Welding II (2-3) (WLDNG2TP)
125687T4* Crime in America (1) (CAM-TP)
125687T7* Fundamentals of criminal law (1) (FNCRLATP)
125687T8* Technical introduction to criminal justice (1) (TICJ-TP)
12579T03* Automotive technician II (2-3) (AUTO-TP) (Non-NATEF curriculum)
12579TS3* Automotive technician II (2-3) (AUTOSSTP) (NATEF curriculum – Suspension and Steering)
12579TB3* Automotive technician II (2-3) (AUTOBRTP) (NATEF curriculum – Brakes)
125795T2* Diesel mechanics II (2-3) (DSLMC2TP)
  Innovative Career and Technology – Tech Prep
N122T201* Intergenerational Professions I (2-3) (INPR1-TP)
N122T202* Intergenerational Professions II (2-3) (INPR2-TP)
N122T301* Early Childhood Professions I (2-3) (ECP1-TP)
N122T302* Early Childhood Professions II (2-3) (ECP2-TP)
N122T304* Elementary School Teacher Assistant (1/2-1) (ESTA-TP)
N122T305* Elementary school teaching internship (2-3) (ESTI-TP)
N122T307* Ready, Set, Teach! I (1-3) (TEACH1TP)
N122T308* Ready, Set, Teach! II (1-3) (TEACH2TP)
N122T309* Exploring Education Careers (1/2-1) (EXPED-TP)
N122T501* Culinary arts I (2-3) (CUL1-TP)
N122T502* Culinary arts II (2-3) (CUL2-TP)
N1242T55* Introduction to travel and tourism (1-2) (INTRAVTP)
N1295T06* Internetworking technologies I (1) (INNT1-TP) [Non-CISCO Curriculum]
N1295T09* Networking essentials (1) (NPLUS-TP) [Non-CISCO Curriculum]
N1295T10* Fundamentals of the Internet (1) (INTPL-TP)
N1295TC6* Internetworking technologies I (1) (INNTC1TP) [CISCO Curriculum]
N1295TC7* Internetworking technologies II (1) (INNTC2TP) [CISCO Curriculum]
N1295TC9* Networking essentials (1) (NPLUSCTP) [CISCO Curriculum]


* Valid for use on the 090 teacher record, 170 student record, 410 record for weighted funding (if student attendance requirements are met), and 415 course completion record.

** Valid for use on the 090 and 170 records; not valid for use on the 410 record for weighted funding or the 415 record.

*** Career preparation teacher code – Valid for use on the 090 record; not valid for use on the 170 record, the 410 attendance record for weighted funding, or the 415 record.

**** Work based learning student code – Valid for use on the 170 record, the 410 attendance record for weighted funding (if student attendance requirements are met), and the 415 record; not valid for use on the 090 record.


ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk



(Chapter 119) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent
Agricultural Power and Machinery

(AGPWR-TP) 1193442T

Shop Safety and Procedures

DEMR 1301 or DEMR 1401


Power Train I

DEMR 1421 or DEMR 1521

Agricultural Mechanics II

(AGMEC2TP) 119344T3

Introduction to Welding Using Multiple Processes

WLDG 1307


Introduction to Welding Fundamentals

WLDG 1221 and WLDG 1222


ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk


(Chapter 120) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent
Business Computer Information Systems I

(BCIS1-TP) 1201120T

Prerequisite: Keyboarding course or skill

Computer Applications I

POFI 1301 or POFI 1401 OR

POFI 1200 and POFI 1201*

(*POFI 1200 and 1201 to be archived 8/31/2003)


Introduction to Computers

ITSC 1301 or ITSC 1401

Business Computer Information Systems II

(ABCIS-TP) 1203130T


Business Computer Information Systems II Career Preparation (BCIS2-TP) 1209930T

Prerequisite: Business Computer Information Systems I (BEGCIS1) 12011200 or (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T

Integrated Software Applications I

ITSC 1309 or ITSC 1409


Computer Applications II

POFI 1341 or POFI 1441 OR

POFI 1240 and POFI 1241*

(*POFI 1240 and 1241 to be archived 8/31/2003)


Electronic Publishing I

GRPH 1322 or GRPH 1422*

(*GRPH 1322 and 1422 to be archived 8/31/2003)


Digital Publishing I

ARTC 1313 or ARTC 1413


Presentation Media Software

ITSW 1310 or ITSW 1410


Introduction to Computer Graphics – Print

ARTC 1325 or ARTC 1425

Business Computer Programming I

(BCP1-TP) 1203140T

Prerequisite: Keyboarding course or skill

Introduction to Computer Programming

ITSE 1302 or ITSE 1402 OR

ITSE 1201 and ITSE 1202*

(*ITSE 1201 and 1202 to be archived 8/31/2003)


Business Computer Programming II

(BCP2-TP) 1203141T

Prerequisite: Business Computer Programming I (ADVBCP1) 12031400 or (BCP1-TP) 1203140T

Programming Logic and Design

ITSE 1229 or ITSE 1329

Word Processing Applications

(WDPAP-TP) 1202280T

Prerequisite: Business Computer Information Systems I (BEGCIS1) 12011200 or (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T or keyboarding course or skill

Introduction to Word Processing

ITSW 1301 or ITSW 1401


Word Processing for Desktop Publishers

GRPH 1329 or GRPH 1429*

(*GRPH 1329 and 1429 to be archived 8/31/2003)


Desktop Publishing for the Office

POFI 2331 or POFI 2431

Accounting I

(BACCT-TP) 1202210T

Introduction to Accounting I

ACNT 1303 or ACNT 1403


Introduction to Accounting II

ACNT 1304 or ACNT 1404

Banking and Financial Systems (½ credit)

(BFINS-TP) 1202220T


Accounting II (½ credit)

(AACCT-TP) 1203110T


Accounting I (BEGACCT1) 12022100 or

(BACCT-TP) 1202210T

Principles of Bank Operation

BNKG 1303

(Course number corrected 10-10-02)


Money and Banking

BNKG 1301

(Course number corrected 10-10-02)

Business Management (½ credit)

(BMGMT-TP) 1202250T


Business Ownership (½ credit)

(BOWNS-TP) 1202260T

Principles of Management

BMGT 1303



BMGT 1301

Telecommunications and Networking

(TLNET-TP) 1202270T

Prerequisite: Business Computer Information Systems I (BEGCIS1) 12011200 or (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T

Introduction to Networking

ITNW 1321 or ITNW 1421

Administrative Procedures Career Preparation

(BECP1-TP) 1209910T


Must total 3 credits and include co-op

Administrative Office Procedures I

POFT 1309 or POFT 1409

International Business

(INTB1-TP) 1203150T

Introduction to International Business and Trade

IBUS 1305 or IBUS 1405

Business Image Management & Multimedia

(BIM&M-TP) 1202230T

Prerequisite: Business Computer Information Systems I (BEGCIS1) 12011200 or (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T

Multimedia Authoring I

IMED 1305 or IMED 1405

(Course no longer equivalent)


Introduction to Multimedia

IMED 1301 or IMED 1401


Electronic Publishing I

GRPH 1322 or GRPH 1422*

(*GRPH 1322 and 1422 to be archived 8/31/2003)


Digital Publishing I

ARTC 1313 or ARTC 1413


Introduction to Computer Graphics – Print

ARTC 1325 or ARTC 1425


Presentation Media Software

ITSW 1310 or ITSW 1410


Electronic Publishing I

GRPH 1322 or GRPH 1422*

(*GRPH 1322 and 1422 to be archived 8/31/2003)


Digital Publishing I

ARTC 1313 or ARTC 1413


ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk


(Chapter 121) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent
Medical Terminology (½ credit)

(MDTRM-TP) 1212122T


Introduction to Health Science Technology

(½ credit) (INTHS-TP) 1210120T OR any statewide-articulated health science technology course

Medical Terminology

HPRS 1106 or HPRS 1206


Medical Terminology

MDCA 1213 or MDCA 1313


Medical Terminology

HITT 1205 or HITT 1305

Health Science Technology I

(HSTI-TP) 1210130T


Health Science Technology II

(HSTII-TP) 1210140T OR

Health Science Technology Career Preparation II

(HST2CPTP) 1210550T

Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry suggested

Introduction to Health Professions

HPRS 1101 or HPRS 1201


Basic Health Profession Skills

HPRS 1204 or HPRS 1304

Nurse Aide/Home Health Aide

Health Science Technology II

(HSTII-TP) 1210140T OR

Health Science Technology Career Preparation II

(HST2CPTP) 1210550T

Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry suggested


State certification as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)


Health Science Technology III Vocational Nursing (HST3VNTP) 1210154T OR

Vocational Nursing Career Preparation III

(HSCPVNTP) 1210654T

Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry suggested


State certification as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)


Nurse Aide for Health Care Organizations I

NURA 1301 or NURA 1401


Home Health Aide

HOMH 1101 or HOMH 1201

Vocational Nursing

Health Science Technology II

(HSTII-TP) 1210140T OR

Health Science Technology Career Preparation II

(HST2CPTP) 1210550T

Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry suggested


Health Science Technology III Vocational Nursing (HST3VNTP) 1210154T OR

Vocational Nursing Career Preparation III

(HSCPVNTP) 1210654T

Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry suggested


Disease Control and Prevention

VNSG 1115


Basic Nursing Skills

VNSG 1323 OR VNSG 1423


Health Sciences

VNSG 1405 OR VNSG 1505


Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health

VNSG 1320 OR VNSG 1420

Medical Laboratory Technology

Health Science Technology III Medical Lab

(HST3MLTP) 1210153T OR

Medical Lab Career Preparation III

(HSCPMLTP) 1210653T

Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry


Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science

MLAB 1101 OR MLAB 1201


Medical Laboratory Technology

Health Science Technology III Medical Lab

(HST3MLTP) 1210153T OR

Medical Lab Career Preparation III

(HSCPMLTP) 1210653T


National certification in Phlebotomy

Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry


Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science

MLAB 1101 OR MLAB 1201



PLAB 1123 OR PLAB 1223

Pharmacy Assisting

Health Science Technology III Pharmacy Aide

(HST3PATP) 1210151T OR

Pharmacy Aide Lab Career Preparation III

(HSCPPATP) 1210651T

Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry


Introduction to Pharmacy

PHRA 1301


Pharmaceutical Mathematics I

PHRA 1209 OR PHRA 1309

Medical Assisting

Health Science Technology III Medical Assisting

(HST3MATP) 1210155T OR

Medical Assisting Career Preparation III

(HSCPMATP) 1210655T

Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry suggested


Medical Law and Ethics

MDCA 1205 or MDCA 1305


Procedures in a Clinical Setting

MDCA 1417 or MDCA 1517 OR

MDCA 1216 and MDCA 1217


Human Disease/Pathophysiology

MDCA 1302 OR MDCA 1402 OR

MDCA 1201 and MDCA 1202


Medical Terminology

MDCA 1213 or MDCA 1313


Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistants

MDCA 1309 or MDCA 1409 OR

MDCA 1208 and MDCA 1209


Emergency Medical Technology

Health Science Technology III EMT-Basic

(HST3EMTP) 1210152T OR

EMT-Basic Career Preparation III

(HSCPEMTP) 1210652T


State certification in EMT-Basic

Prerequisite: Biology; Chemistry suggested

Emergency Care Attendant

EMSP 1205 or EMSP 1305


Emergency Medical Dispatching

EMSP 1109 or EMSP 1209


Emergency Medical Technician – Basic

EMSP 1313 or EMSP 1413


ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk



(Chapter 122) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent
Child Development (½ credit)

(CHDEV-TP) 122T3310


Preparation For Parenting (½ credit)

(PRPAR-TP) 122T3210


Elementary School Teaching Internship (ESTI-TP) N122T305


Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


Family and the Community

CDEC 1303 or CDEC 1403

Ready, Set, Teach! I

(TEACH1TP) N122T307

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


Family and the Community

CDEC 1303 or CDEC 1403


Child Development (½ credit)

(CHDEV-TP) 122T3310


Elementary School Teacher Assistant

(ESTA-TP) N122T304


Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411

Child Development (½ credit)

(CHDEV-TP) 122T3310


Preparation for Parenting (½ credit)

(PRPAR-TP) 122T3210


Elementary School Teacher Assistant

(ESTA-TP) N122T304


Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


Family and the Community

CDEC 1303 or CDEC 1403

Exploring Education Careers

(EXPED-TP) N122T309


Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


Family and the Community

CDEC 1303 or CDEC 1403


Child Development (½ credit)

(CHDEV-TP) 122T3310


Ready, Set, Teach! I

(TEACH1TP) N122T307


Ready, Set, Teach II

(TEACH2TP) N122T308

The School Age Child

CDEC 2341 or CDEC 2441

Child Development (½ credit)

(CHDEV-TP) 122T3310


Preparation for Parenting (½ credit)

(PRPAR-TP) 122T3210


PL/Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services I (CHCR1-TP) 122T3421 OR

Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services Career Preparation I

(CCCP1-TP) 122900T1


Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


The Infant and Toddler

CDEC 1321 or CDEC 1421 OR

CDEC 1220 and CDEC 1221

Early Childhood Professions I

(ECP1-TP) N122T301

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


The Infant and Toddler

CDEC 1321 or CDEC 1421 OR

CDEC 1220 and CDEC 1221

PL/Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services I (CHCR1-TP) 122T3421 OR

Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services Career Preparation I

(CCCP1-TP) 122900T1


Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411

Early Childhood Professions I

(ECP1-TP) N122T301


Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411

Intergenerational Professions I

(INPR1-TP) N122T201

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411

Child Development (½ credit)

(CHDEV-TP) 122T3310


Preparation for Parenting (½ credit)

(PRPAR-TP) 122T3210


PL/Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services I (CHCR1-TP) 122T3421 OR

Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services Career Preparation I

(CCCP1-TP) 122900T1


PL/Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services II (CHCR2-TP) 122T3422 OR

Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services Career Preparation II (CCCP2-TP) 122900T2

Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


Nutrition, Health and Safety

CDEC 1318 or CDEC 1418


The Infant and Toddler

CDEC 1321 or CDEC 1421 OR

CDEC 1220 and CDEC 1221

AND one additional course to be selected from the following:

Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs

CDEC 1313 or CDEC 1413


Child Guidance

CDEC 1319 or CDEC 1419

Early Childhood Professions I

(ECP1-TP) N122T301


Early Childhood Professions II

(ECP2-TP) N122T302


PL/Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services I (CHCR1-TP) 122T3421 OR

Child Care and Guidance, Management, and Services Career Preparation I

(CCCP1-TP) 122900T1


PL/Child care and guidance, management, and services II (CHCR2-TP) 122T3422 OR

Child care and guidance, management, and services career preparation II

(CCCP2-TP) 122900T2

Nutrition, Health and Safety

CDEC 1318 or CDEC 1418

AND one additional course to be selected from the following:

Family and the Community

CDEC 1303 or CDEC 1403


Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs

CDEC 1313 or CDEC 1413


Child Guidance

CDEC 1319 or CDEC 1419

Child Development (½ credit)

(CHDEV-TP) 122T3310


Preparation for Parenting (½ credit)

(PRPAR-TP) 122T3210


Early Childhood Professions I

(ECP1-TP) N122T301


Early Childhood Professions II

(ECP2-TP) N122T302



Introduction to Early Childhood Education

CDEC 1311 or CDEC 1411


Nutrition, Health and Safety

CDEC 1318 or CDEC 1418


The Infant and Toddler

CDEC 1321 or CDEC 1421 OR

CDEC 1220 and CDEC 1221

AND one additional course to be selected from the following:

Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs

CDEC 1313 or CDEC 1413


Child Guidance

CDEC 1319 or CDEC 1419

Intergenerational Professions I

(INPR1-TP) N122T201


Intergenerational Professions II

(INTPR2-TP) N122T202


Curriculum Resources for Early Childhood Programs

CDEC 1313 or CDEC 1413

Nutrition and Food Science (½ credit)

(NFSCI-TP) 122T4210


Food Science and Technology (½ credit)

(FST-TP) 122T4310

Nutrition for the Food Service Professional

RSTO 1217 or RSTO 1317


Basic Nutrition

IFWA 1129 or IFWA 1229



FDNS 1305

PL/Hospitality Services I

(HOSP1-TP) 122T5321 OR

Hospitality Services Career Preparation I (HOCP1-TP) 1229T203

Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

HAMG 1221 or HAMG 1321


Principles of Food and Beverage Operations

HAMG 2201 or HAMG 2301

PL/Hospitality Services II

(HOSP2-TP) 122T5322 OR

Hospitality Services Career Preparation II (HOCP2-TP) 1229T303

Prerequisite: PL/Hospitality Services I

(HOSP1-TP) 122T5321 OR

Hospitality Services Career Preparation I (HOCP1-TP) 1229T203

Front Office Procedures

HAMG 1213 or HAMG 1313

PL/Food Production, Management, and Services II

(FPMS2-TP) 122T5222 OR

Food Production, Management, and Services Career Preparation II

(FPCP2-TP) 1229T103

Prerequisite: PL/Food Production, Management, and Services I

(FPMS1-TP) 122T5221 OR

Food Production, Management, and Services Career Preparation I

(FPCP1-TP) 1229T003


Nutrition and Food Science (½ credit)

(NFSCI-TP) 122T4210


Culinary Arts II

(CUL2-TP) N122T502

Prerequisite: Culinary Arts I (CUL1-TP) N122T501


Nutrition and Food Science (½ credit)

(NFSCI-TP) 122T4210

Sanitation and Safety

CULA 1205 or CULA 1305 OR

CULA 1104 and CULA 1105


Sanitation and Safety

IFWA 1113 or IFWA 1213


Nutrition for the Food Service Professional

RSTO 1217 or RSTO 1317


Sanitation and Safety

CULA 1205 or CULA 1305 OR

CULA 1104 and CULA 1105


Sanitation and Safety

IFWA 1113 or IFWA 1213


Basic Nutrition

IFWA 1129 or IFWA 1229


Sanitation and Safety

CULA 1205 or CULA 1305 OR

CULA 1104 and CULA 1105


Sanitation and Safety

IFWA 1113 or IFWA 1213



FDNS 1305

PL/Food Production, Management, and Services I (FPMS1-TP) 122T5221 OR

Food Production, Management, and Services Career Preparation I (FPCP1-TP) 1229T003


Culinary Arts I

(CUL1-TP) N122T501

Basic Food Preparation

CULA 1301 or CULA 1401 OR

CULA 1200 and CULA 1201


Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

HAMG 1221 or HAMG 1321


Food Preparation I

IFWA 1401 or IFWA 1501


Introduction to the Hospitality Industry

HAMG 1221 or HAMG 1321

PL/Food Production, Management, and Services II

(FPMS2-TP) 122T5222 OR

Food Production, Management, and Services Career Preparation II

(FPCP2-TP) 1229T103

Prerequisite: PL/Food Production, Management, and Services I (FPMS1-TP) 122T5221 OR Food Production, Management, and Services Career Preparation I   (FPCP1-TP) 1229T003


Culinary Arts II

(CUL2-TP) N122T502

Prerequisite: Culinary Arts I (CUL1-TP) N122T501

Sanitation and Safety

CULA 1205 or CULA 1305 OR

CULA 1104 and CULA 1105


Sanitation and Safetyy

IFWA 1113 or IFWA 1213


ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk


(Chapter 123) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent
Computer Applications

(CA-TP) 1234147T

Prerequisite: Keyboarding course or skill

Introduction to Computers

ITSC 1301 or ITSC 1401

Principles of Technology I (1 science unit)

(PTI-TP) 1238282T

Prerequisite: 1 science credit and Algebra I

Applied Physics I

SCIT 1318 or SCIT 1418


Technical Physics I

SCIT 1322 or SCIT 1422


Applied Petrochemical Technology

CTEC 1401


Control Valves

INTC 1215 or INTC 1315

Electricity/Electronics Technology

(EET-TP) 1236267T

Electricity Principles

CETT 1402 or CETT 1502


Electronic Test Equipment

INTC 1207 or INTC 1307


Electronic Test Equipment

INCR 1103 or INCR 1203

Computer Multimedia/Animation Technology

(CMAT-TP) 1236268T

Prerequisite: Business Computer Information Systems I (BEGCIS1) 12011200 or (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T or Computer Applications (CA-TP) 1234147T

Multimedia Authoring I

IMED 1305 or IMED 1405

Course no longer equivalent


Introduction to Multimedia

IMED 1301 or IMED 1401


Architectural Graphics

(AG-TP) 1236262T

Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Drafting

DFTG 1319 or DFTG 1419


Basic Computer-Aided Drafting

DFTG 1309 or DFTG 1409 OR

DFTG 1208 and DFTG 1209


Architectural Drafting – Residential

DFTG 1317 or DFTG 1417 OR

DFTG 1216 and DFTG 1217

Engineering Graphics

(EG-TP) 1236263T

Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Drafting

DFTG 1319 or DFTG 1419


Technical Drafting

DFTG 1305 or DFTG 1405 OR

DFTG 1204 and DFTG 1205


Basic Computer-Aided Drafting

DFTG 1309 or DFTG 1409 OR

DFTG 1208 and DFTG 1209



ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk


(Chapter 124) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent

(ENTRPRTP) 1241T920

Small Business Management

BUSG 2309

Principles of Marketing

(PRINMKTP) 1241T921

Principles of Marketing

MRKG 1311


Hotel Management

(HOTEL-TP) 12421T52

Hospitality Marketing and Sales

HAMG 2207 or HAMG 2307

Introduction to Travel and Tourism


Introduction to Travel and Tourism

TRVM 1300

Introduction to Travel and Tourism



Travel and Tourism Marketing

(TRAV-TP) 12421T55

Introduction to Travel and Tourism

TRVM 1300


Travel and Tourism Sales and Marketing Techniques

TRVM 1345

Marketing Management Career Preparation

(MECP-TP) 1242T555

Principles of Marketing

MRKG 1311


Practicum (or Field Experience) – Business Marketing and Marketing Management

MRKG 1×66


Cooperative Education – Business Marketing and Marketing Management

MRKG 1×80


Cooperative Education – Business Administration and Management, General

BMGT 1×82

Marketing Dynamics Career Preparation

(MECP1-TP) 12441T40

Principles of Marketing

MRKG 1311


Practicum (or Field Experience) – Business Marketing and Marketing Management

MRKG 1×66


Cooperative Education – Business Marketing and Marketing Management

MRKG 1×80


Cooperative Education – Business Administration and Management, General

BMGT 1×82


ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk


(Chapter 125) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent
Technical Introduction to Computer-Aided Drafting

(TICAD-TP) 125117T5

Technical Drafting

DFTG 1305 or DFTG 1405 OR

DFTG 1204 and DFTG 1205

Engineering Computer-Aided Drafting I

(ECAD-TP) 125117T1

Basic Computer-Aided Drafting

DFTG 1309 or DFTG 1409 OR

DFTG 1208 and DFTG 1209


Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Drafting

DFTG 1319 or DFTG 1419

Engineering Computer-Aided Drafting II

(ECAD2-TP) 125117T2

Prerequisite: Engineering Computer-Aided Drafting I (ECAD) 12511701 or (ECAD-TP) 125117T1

Intermediate Computer-Aided Drafting

DFTG 2319 or DFTG 2419 OR

DFTG 2219 and DFTG 2220

Media Technology I

(MEDT-TP) 125123T1

Prerequisite: Business Computer Information Systems I (BEGCIS1) 12011200 or (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T or Computer applications (CA-TP) 1234147T

Multimedia Authoring I

IMED 1305 or IMED 1405

(Course no longer equivalent)


Introduction to Multimedia

IMED 1301 or IMED 1401

Introduction to Computer Maintenance

(ICM-TP) 125345T4

Prerequisite: Introductory computer course

PC Operating Systems – DOS

ITSC 1317 or ITSC 1417


Introduction to Computer Technology

CPMT 1303 or CPMT 1403 OR

CPMT 1202 and CPMT 1203

Computer Maintenance Technician I

(CMTN-TP) 125345T2

Prerequisite: Introduction to Computer Maintenance (ICM) 12534504 or (ICM-TP) 125345T4

Introduction to Computer Maintenance

CPMT 1311 or CPMT 1411 OR

CPMT 1210 and CPMT 1211


Personal Computer Hardware

ITSC 1325 or ITSC 1425

Computer Cabling and Design

(CCD-TP) 125345T1

Telecommunications Transmission Media

EECT 1340 or EECT 1440

Telecommunications Technology IV

(TELES-TP) 125351T5

Prerequisite: Telecommunications Technology III (INTTECH) 12535104

Introduction to Telecommunications

EECT 1303 or EECT 1403

Instrumentation I

(INST-TP) 125459T2

Principles of Industrial Measurements

INTC 1301 or INTC 1401 OR

INTC 1200 and INTC 1201

Instrumentation II

(INST2-TP) 125459T3

Prerequisite: Instrumentation I

(INST) 12545902 or (INST-TP) 125459T2

Introduction to Electronic Instrumentation

INTC 1205 or INTC 1305

Hydraulics and Pneumatics

(HDNEU-TP) 125457T1

Basic Fluid Power

ELMT 1305 or ELMT 1405

Vocational Plastics I

(VOPLS-TP) 125467T1

Introduction to Plastics

PLTC 1201 or PLTC 1301

Quality Control I

(QC-TP) 125469T1

Plastic Quality Control

PLTC 1206 or PLTC 1306

AC/DC Electronics/Computer Systems

(ACDC-TP) 125471T1

DC-AC Circuits

CETT 1409 or CETT 1509 OR

CETT 1208 and CETT 1209

Direct Current Electronics

(DCE-TP) 125471T6

DC Circuits

CETT 1303 or CETT 1403


Introduction to Direct Current Circuits

IEIR 1302 or IEIR 1402 OR

IEIR 1201 and IEIR 1202

Alternating Current Electronics

(ACE-TP) 125471T3

Prerequisite: Direct Current Electronics

(DCE) 12547106 or (DCE-TP) 125471T6

AC Circuits

CETT 1305 or CETT 1405


Alternating Current Circuits for Industrial Applications

IEIR 1304 or IEIR 1404 OR

IEIR 1203 and IEIR 1204

Machine Shop I

(MCHSP-TP) 125573T1

Machining I

MCHN 1338 or MCHN 1438 OR

MCHN 1237 and MCHN 1238

Machine Shop II

(MCHSP2TP) 125573T2

Prerequisite: Machine Shop I MCHSHOP) 12557301 or (MCHSP-TP) 125573T1

Basic Machine Shop II

MCHN 1341 or MCHN 1441 OR

MCHN 1240 and MCHN 1241

Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration II

(ACREF2TP) 125231T2

Prerequisite: Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration I

(A-CREF) 12523101

Basic Electricity for HVAC

HART 1301 or HART 1401


Refrigeration Principles

HART 1407

Automotive Technician II

(AUTO-TP) 12579T03

Non-NATEF curriculum

Prerequisite: Automotive Technician I (AUTOTECH) 12579102 or Automotive Specialization (AUTOSPEC) 12579101

Introduction and Theory of Automotive


AUMT 1201 or AUMT 1301


Introduction to Automotive Technology

AUMT 1305 or AUMT 1405

Automotive Technician II


NATEF curriculum – Suspension and Steering. Must complete minimum NATEF-required hours of instruction.


ASE certification in Steering and Suspension

Suspension and Steering

AUMT 1316 or AUMT 1416

(Non-manufacturer-specific program)

Automotive Technician II


NATEF curriculum – Brakes. Must complete minimum NATEF-required hours of instruction.


ASE certification in Brakes

Automotive Brake Systems

AUMT 1310 or AUMT 1410

(Non-manufacturer-specific program)

Diesel Mechanics II

(DSLMC2TP) 125795T2

Prerequisite: Diesel Mechanics I (DSLSMECH) 12579501

Shop Safety and Procedures

DEMR 1301 or DEMR 1401

Welding II

(WLDNG2TP) 125579T2

Introduction to Welding Fundamentals

WLDG 1421 or WLDG 1521 OR

WLDG 1221 and WLDG 1222


Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding

WLDG 1428 or WLDG 1528

Fundamentals of Criminal Law

(FNCRLATP) 125687T7

Fundamentals of Criminal Law

CJSA 1327

Technical Introduction to Criminal Justice

(TICJ-TP) 125687T8

Introduction to Criminal Justice

CJSA 1322

Crime in America

(CAM-TP) 125687T4

Crime in America

CJSA 1312


ATC Statewide-Articulated Course Crosswalk


(Chapter 129) – Effective School Year 2003-2004

All high school courses must include enhanced content equivalent to the college courses indicated, and are a minimum of one (1) high school credit unless otherwise noted.


High School Course College WECM Equivalent
Internetworking technologies I

(INNT1-TP) N1295T06

Non-Cisco curriculum

Fundamentals of Networking

ITNW 1325 or ITNW 1425


Introduction to Networking

ITNW 1321 or ITNW 1421

Internetworking technologies I


Cisco curriculum


Networking essentials


Cisco curriculum

Local Area Networks Design and Protocols: Cisco 1

ITCC 1302 or ITCC 1402 OR

ITCC 1201 and ITCC 1202


Basic Router Configuration: Cisco 2

ITCC 1306 or ITCC 1406 OR

ITCC 1205 and ITCC 1206

Internetworking technologies II


Prerequisite: Internetworking technologies I (INNTC1TP) N1295TC6 or Networking essentials (NPLUSCTP) N1295TC9

Cisco curriculum

Local Area Management (LAN): Cisco 3

ITCC 1342 or ITCC 1442 OR

ITCC 1241 and ITCC 1242


Wide Area Management (WAN): Cisco 4

ITCC 1346 or ITCC 1446 OR

ITCC 1245 and ITCC 1246

Networking essentials

(NPLUS-TP) N1295T09

Non-Cisco curriculum

Fundamentals of Networking

ITNW 1325 or ITNW 1425


Introduction to Networking

ITNW 1321 or ITNW 1421

Fundamentals of the internet

(INTPL-TP) N1295T10

Prerequisite: Business computer information systems I (BEGCIS1) 12011200 or (BCIS1-TP) 1201120T or Computer applications (CA-TP) 1234147T

Internet/Web Page Development

ITSC 1313 or ITSC 1413


Introduction to the Internet

ITNW 1337 or ITNW 1437