19 TAC Chapter 74 provides the following regarding tech-prep courses utilized as Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP) advanced measures [Subchapter B Section 74.13(3) and Subchapter D Section 74.44 subparagraph (d)(3)]: “college academic courses and tech-prep articulated courses with a grade of 3.0 or higher.”
There are two types of college tech-prep articulated courses that may be counted as DAP advanced measures:
- Locally articulated course(s) identified in a local tech-prep articulation agreement between a college and a school district.
- Statewide-articulated course(s) listed in the Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) Program crosswalk.
The following guideline for award of a DAP advanced measure applies to each of the above:
- If a single high school course equals one or more college courses, it qualifies for a single advanced measure. The high school course should be taken in the junior or senior year and the student should make a minimum grade of B.
- If a sequence of high school courses is required to equal one or more college courses, the sequence qualifies as a single advanced measure. The last course in the required sequence should be taken in the junior or senior year and the student should make a minimum grade of B in every course in the sequence.
Districts have much flexibility in determining what courses will count toward advanced measures. Districts may select within the allowable options outlined in 19 TAC Chapter 74. Regardless of the options selected by the district, the allowable options should be clearly communicated to parents, students, and community as well documented in board policy.
For further clarification, contact:
Texas Education Agency
Division of Advanced Academic Services
1701 N. Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 463-9455
Fax: (512) 305-8920
For further information on Tech Prep Visit: www.TechPrepTexas.org