Teachers must meet one of the two following requirements to be approved to teach a course for the Advanced Technical Credit Program:
Requirement 1: The teacher must have a baccalaureate degree or higher with a major in the teaching discipline.
Requirement 2: The teacher must have a minimum of an associate degree and three years of verifiable non-teaching work experience directly related to the teaching discipline.
Teachers meeting Requirement 1 must have official transcripts showing degree sent to the ATC Approval Office directly from the college or university.
Teachers meeting Requirement 2 must have official transcripts showing degree sent to the ATC Approval Office directly from the college or university. They must also submit full work history information to the ATC Approval Office.
This information is reviewed and only teachers who meet these requirements are approved for their eligible courses. All information is scanned into an electronic database that is maintained by the ATC Approval Office at Lone Star College. Original transcripts are on file at Lone Star College.
Colleges may obtain a link, login and password to a website which will provide a listing of teachers in your local school districts who meet these qualifications, by sending an email from your college email account to [email protected] and including the following information:
- Your name (as the person requesting the information)
- Your position/title
- College/Institution name
- Contact information including e-mail address, mailing address, and phone number